Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Give 15 promises, fulfilled only 3

Hanya tiga dari 15 janji Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono saat kampanye Pemilu Presiden tahun 2009 yang dinilai lebih dari 50 persen publik telah terpenuhi dalam dua tahun kepemimpinan.Hal itu terungkap dalam hasil survei Jaringan Suara Indonesia (JSI). Hasil survei dipaparkan Direktur Eksekutif JSI Widdi Aswindi saat jumpa pers di Hotel Sultan Jakarta, Minggu (23/10/2011). Survei dilakukan pada 10-15 Oktober 2011 dengan menanyakan 1.200 responden melalui kuisioner.-JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com
results of the survey was carried out with questionnaires shown to only three met the promise and the rest have not yet been fulfilled. The Promises are about improve health care and free medication for those who can not afford, welfare of teachers and schools free of charge for those who can not afford, improve the infrastructure development.Three quotations is considered to have met with Yudhoyono, namely, firstly, improving health and free medications for those who cannot afford. A total of 65.5 percent of rate that promise fulfilled, 28.9 per cent of the fee has not been fulfilled, and the rest did not respond.
Second, for the welfare of teachers and schools for free for those who can not afford, approximately 65.5 per cent of people considers that the second promise has been fulfilled, and 30.1 per cent of the fee has not been fulfilled and the rest did not respond. And the third improve the infrastructure development, public evaluate that a total of 53.3 per cent rate will not be met, 40 per cent were implemented, while others have not replied. After the survey only 3 promises fulfilled and the rest is still unproven, of the 15 promises yet to reach the remaining 12 appointments enhance defense and security, energy security through the development of pembakit mewujudakan energy, preserve the environment, maintain the continuity of democracy and respect for human rights.Another promise are to promote the role of Indonesia in the international world food security, equitable development in the area, housing development and people's flats, bureaucratic reforms to eradicate corruption. Promise of further improving the welfare of the community, reducing the number of poor people, and reduce the number of unemployed.

Public is very hopeful that our current president can fulfill his promise to the evidence and not just talk, with the help of the ministers and other officials are expected to promise unfulfilled promises can be fulfilled as much as 12 in the end. people also need the support of positive attitudes and behaviour, we hope our President can fulfil its promise of promise.

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