Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

English Task 3

Name  : Angga Kusuma
NPM   : 10110798
Class   : 4KA09

Who is the candidate for president who would I choose ? Why ?

First , I write this because the task of the English language, so I am writing this article .
I would choose Prabowo as president of Indonesia because :

1 . Prabowo is a successful entrepreneur who established the assessed would be far from the efforts abuse of power to enrich themselves , families and groups.

2 . Prabowo is the only qualified President for the next 5 years .

3 . Prabowo determined to change the fate of the people and eradicate poverty . The figure of the former commander of the Special Forces Corps was also considered to have a strong determination to change the system of government to be more authoritative .

4 . Prabowo was also determined not to be dependent on other countries .

5 . He also assessed determined to be more open in managing and utilizing the country's wealth for the nation and its people .

The following text is a quote from Prabowo :

"Therefore , it is indeed my belief , it is the value that I strive for : an independent nation , which stands on its own feet . "

" Great nation is a nation that always remember and honor the heroes . Superior nation is a nation that can live in the spirit of togetherness , family and unity . "

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